Bachelor – Automatic Control and Applied Informatics

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 Automatic Control and Applied Informatics (in Romanian)

The Bachelor’s degree program Automatic Control and Applied Informatics is part of Systems Engineering, an interdisciplinary field of science and technology, aimed at developing and implementing system design, equipment, control systems and communications for process control in various sectors of activity: scientific, technical and economic.

Automatic Control and Applied Informatics provides basic training for future automation engineers by transmitting knowledge and developing skills that enable them to achieve:

  • process analysis, identification and modeling for automatic control integrated solutions design;
  • hardware and software implementation of control algorithms;
  • software applications design and implementation for solving specific tasks in various fields.

Year 1

1st semester 2nd semester
Linear Algebra and Analytic Geometry Computer Programming I
CalculusElectronic Circuits I
Fundamentals of Computer Programming
Differential Equations and Operational Calculus
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
Computational Logic Mechanics
Technical Drawing and Computer Aided GraphicsEconomic, Scientific and Cultural Politics of the European Union
Physical TrainingEconomics
Physical Training

Year 2

1st semester2nd semester
Analysis and Synthesis of Digital Devices
Fundamentals of Feedback Control
Programare IIData Structures and Algorithms
Advanced MathematicsAutomata and Microprogramming
Applied Numerical CalculusOptimization Techniques
Electronic Circuits IIElectrical Machines and Drive Systems
Modeling of Physical SystemsStatistics and Data Processing
Measurements and InstrumentationDatabase Systems
The English LanguageThe English Language
Physical Training

Year 3

1st semester2nd semester
Systems Theory IDiscrete Event Systems
Microprocessor Based Systems
Systems Identification
Sampled Data Control SystemsComputer Architectures
The English LanguageMicroprocessor Based Systems – project work
Electives (AC)Management
Sensors and TransducersThe English Language
Hydraulic and Pneumatic Control Systems Practical Training - 3 weeks
Equipments and Control System ArchitecturesElectives (AC)
Electives (AI)Robotics
Platform Independent ProgrammingSystems Theory II
Software EngineerinSampled Data Control Systems – project work
Equipments and Control System Architectures – project work
Electives (AI)
Digital Signal Processors
Platform Independent Programming – project work

Year 4

1st semester2nd semester
Control EngineeringCommunications for Control Systems
Data Transmission – Process Remote ControlResearch - Designing Activity
Real-Time Application ProgrammingElectives (AC)
Bachelor Thesis PreparationComputer Aided Manufacturing
Electives (AC) Adaptive and Robust Control
Robot Control Systems Control Engineering – project work
Computer VisionElectives (AI)
Technological Process ControlNeural Networks and Fuzzy Logic
Electives (AI) Distributed Artificial Intelligence Systems
Computer NetworksInternet Applications
Knowledge Based SystemsReal-Time Application Programming – project work
Queuing Systems and ApplicationsKnowledge Based Systems – project work

Mode of study – full-time

Curriculum for bachelor studies in Automatic Control and Applied Informatics 2018-2022

Learning outcomes (as in the diploma supplement)

Professional outcomes

  • Use of knowledge from fundamental and technical sciences within the field of system engineering.
  • Operation with computer science and information technology and communications concepts / techniques.
  • Use of automatic control fundamentals, methods of modeling, simulation, identification and analysis of processes and computer-aided design techniques.
  • Design, implementation, testing and exploitation of hardware and/or software supports for control and industrial informatics applications.
  • Application development and implementation of algorithms and automated management structures, using the principles of project management, programming environments and technologies based on microcontrollers, signal processors, programmable logic controllers, embedded systems.
  • Applying knowledge of law, economics, marketing, and quality assurance business in economic and managerial contexts.
  • Integration of knowledge and techniques of automatic control, information processing and communication in network control systems.

 Transversal outcomes

  • Applying the code of ethics principles, norms and values in their rigorous, effective and accountable work strategy in the context of compliance with the legislation and the intellectual property rights.
  • Identifying roles / functions of management in a multi-specialized team, and managing relationships and effective work within the team.
  • Identifying training opportunities and efficient use of resources and learning techniques for their own development.