Embedded Control Systems

Postgraduate Master Programme (2 years) – in Romanian

Why Embedded Control Systems?

Improving the knowledge and skills acquired during the undergraduate studies can provide increased employment opportunities and also helps you in developing a successful career in a field of current and future interest.

The Department of Automation and Applied Informatics offers the Embedded Control Systems master program, developed in partnership with Continental Automotive Romania.

Will I like it? Yes, if:

  • I want to gather new knowledge and to complement those obtained during undergraduate studies in a related field.
  • I intend to be part of research and development groups in a very important field of engineering and technology.
  • I am highly motivated and interested to build my professional career in a very promising field of science and technology.
  • I want to work with teams from specialized departments in a multinational automotive company – e.g during the preparation of the dissertation thesis, in order to increase my chances of employment in the sector.
  • I work as an engineer in the field of automotive and embedded systems and I want to continue my training.


  • The program is conducted in close collaboration with Continental Automotive Romania, Iasi Branch
  • Faculty position in the top three institutions of higher education in the field of Systems engineering, computer and information technology in Romania
  • Collaborations with several prestigious European universities in this field, which offer to students the possibility of conducting training periods abroad
  • Teaching and research spaces equipped with computers and advanced equipment
  • Ensure competence in curricular areas such as software engineering, embedded systems, automotive systems engineering, testing software systems, project management.

Job opportunities:

  • Internships at companies in IT&C and European universities (with ERASMUS financial support) for developping the dissertation thesis.
  • Jobs offered by major companies in Automation and IT&C: Danieli Engineering, Continental, Delphi, Electra, Cenit.
  • Jobs in research institutes in the country or abroad.
  • Continuing with doctoral studies within our faculty or within other Romanian or foreign universities.

Admission info:

  • Duration: 2 years
  • Title awarded at graduation: Master in Engineering
  • No of available state subsidized places: 30
  • No of places with tuition fee: 5

The admission process for the Embedded Control Systems master studies involves:

  • an application file – includes official transcripts as the academic records from the bachelor studies and the graduation exam.
  • an interview in Romanian – a short oral presentation of a research topic that is of interest to the applicant.

The presentation may be based on envisioned extensions from bachelor diploma work and it should prove that the applicant has basic knowledge related to the Embedded Control Systems field of study.
The average grade accounted for the admission is constructed as follows:

AG = 0,4 * IG + 0,6 * AUE,

AG = Admission grade, IG = Interview grade, AUE = Average undergraduate exam.

Admission schedule 2017:

  • July 10-15 – Registration
  • July  17 – Interview
  • July 18 – Admission results

More information about Embedded Control Systems.